Bill Lerner knows all about New York’s complicated and detailed parking history. Lerner is the CEO of New York’s biggest private parking business, and has years of experience with the developments in the industry. For Lerner, parking has always been a family trade, beginning with his father’s ownership of several properties in the 1960s and…
Read more on Bill Lerner Talks about the Changes in New York City’s Parking Sector
In 1997, Bill Lerner became CEO of Imperial Parking Systems. His main goal was to branch out, but at the same time he also wanted to revamp and update the operational functions of his company. Twenty years later and with a new name for a digital era, Lerner has grown iPark into the largest and…
Read more on Bill Lerner – iPark Becomes Eco Friendly With EV Charging Stations
Bill Lerner was forced to expand aggressively while simultaneously redeveloping and completely modernizing all the company’s operational functions, when he became President and CEO of Imperial Parking Systems in 1997. Twenty years later and with a new name for a digital era, Lerner has grown iPark into the largest and most technologically advanced privately owned…
Read more on Bill Lerner – Proud Of Installed EV Charging Stations inside New York’s iPark Garages
CEO of New York City’s largest privately owned parking facilities, Bill Lerner, is experienced with the changing face of the city’s lots and garages. For Lerner, parking has always been a family trade, beginning with his father’s ownership of several properties in the 1960s and 70s. By the time he entered the industry in 1978,…
Read more on Bill Lerner On New York City’s Historical Parking Industry
New York based CEO of iPark, Bill Lerner is aware of the non-traditional paths that brands must follow to tlure oday’s most important consumer group, the Millennials, born between the years 1980 and 2000. Nurturing business cultures that engage this massive collection of consumers requires an optimization strategy embracing accurate, informative, and interactive content, ensuring…
Read more on Bill Lerner On How Businesses Can Optimize Marketing for Millennial Consumers
Bill Lerner understands the nuances that endear brands to today’s most important consumer group, the Millennials, born between the years 1980 and 2000. Nurturing business cultures that engage this massive collection of consumers requires an optimization strategy embracing accurate, informative, and interactive content, ensuring the corporate voice is heard everywhere that matters. Increasingly, that tends…
Read more on Bill Lerner Discusses Optimizing Businesses for Millennial Consumers
Upon taking over as President and CEO of Imperial Parking Systems in 1997, Bill Lerner faced the challenge of expanding aggressively while concurrently upgrading and completely modernizing his business’ operational functions. Twenty years later and with a new name for a digital era, Lerner has grown iPark into the largest and most technologically advanced privately…
Read more on Bill Lerner On New York’s iPark Garages EV Charging Stations
With commercial environments now more intensely competitive than ever, a company’s success and resilience are intrinsically tied to its ability to provide great customer service to an increasingly-informed consumer population with high standards. As President and CEO of New York’s largest privately-owned parking garage enterprise—iPark, Bill Lerner maintains the maxim of ‘going the extra mile’…
Read more on Bill Lerner On Providing a ‘Customer First’ Parking Experience
Veteran of the parking industry with over 40 years of experience, Bill Lerner has transformed his family business—iPark, to become New York’s largest, leading garage and parking facilities owner/operator. Formerly known as Imperial Parking Systems, iPark has been at the forefront of revolutionizing the parking industry by adapting the newest technologies and creating a customer-centric…
Read more on Bill Lerner Discusses Growing a Family Business
It can be a fine line when it comes to offering new devices or changing the way a business handles its systems. After meeting the need to service electric vehicles, iPark is continuing to use technology to improve customer experience and operations efficiency. Working in the industry since the outset of his career and seeing…
Read more on Bill Lerner Implements New Technology at iPark With Online Booking
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